Mind Centre for Learning
Go for A's and Multiple Grade Improvements!
In 2025, let's use proven learning methodologies and work the smart way!
Come and learn the "secrets" for achieving success using mind-focused methodologies backed by scientific research and enjoy your studies!
RECOMMEND A FRIEND and BOTH OF YOU will get a Special $10 discount when he/she signs up for a term!
MIND System
Our success in nurturing your child to academic success, we believe, is largely attributed to our faithful execution of our 'MIND' (Methodology, Inquiry, Nurturing & Diligence) System as follows:
Methodology - Systematic concept teaching through the use of good summaries and key exam points followed by guided practice of key topical questions ;
Inquiry - Teaching students how to develop inquiring minds and finally be independent thinkers and doers. We engage and motivate our students with multimedia teaching, hands-on experience and a high level of interaction (including teacher-student, student-student and student-computer interactions and quizzes and competitions);
Nurturing - Small class size to allow our teachers to have good focus and attention to each student, understand their strengths and weaknesses and different learning styles;
Diligence - Clarification of the topic and working on good topical questions, test-sheets and mock-exam tests . Use of motivational methods so students enjoy being dilig​​​ent.
​The key elements of MIND Learning System:
Clear, concise and examination-focused summary notes;
Emphasis on concept understanding and their applications;
Motivational teaching with dialogue, quizzes and healthy competition​;
Small class size;
Close attention and adaptation to each student's strengths and weaknesses to bring out the best in them;
Regular topical tests and mock midyear and final year examination tests with questions from past year series and top-school papers;
Use of science experiments and observations to interest students in Science.;
Computer-based learning to complement teacher-based teaching to vary the learning experience of our students;
Committed and qualified graduate teachers who are registered with MOE;
Intensive exam preparation process to gear students for the months prior to the PSLE / N / O / A level examinations;
Targeting of each student's weak areas to improve their concentration and confidence;
Goal setting, championships and other motivational processes that students enjoy.​
Exam Preparation
We also have time-tested rigorous process geared towards preparing our students systematically and comprehensively for PSLE, N, O and A level examinations;
Regular mock-examination tests for each student according to his/her needs and abilities;
Rigorous tracking of each student's achievement process through the our recording system;
Continuous improvement to our repository of top school papers and official examination scripts.