Mind Centre for Learning
Go for A's and Multiple Grade Improvements!
In 2025, let's use proven learning methodologies and work the smart way!
Come and learn the "secrets" for achieving success using mind-focused methodologies backed by scientific research and enjoy your studies!
RECOMMEND A FRIEND and BOTH OF YOU will get a Special $10 discount when he/she signs up for a term!
Welcome to our franchising page and thank you for your interest.
At Mind Centre, we believe that every child can be nurtured to unleash her/his best in education. Violet and I have journeyed in this nurturing entreprise since 2000. As a result, we have developed and operationalised our business model and teaching system in a virtuous 'child-parent-teacher-centre' educational relationship. We believe that you will experience the same fulfillment and joy when students under your care attain multiple-grade improvements and gain confidence towards their future.
If you are interested to find out more, please contact us at the following:
E-mail: david@mindcentre.sg
Mobile: +65 9837 8686
Tel: +65 6285 5891
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!
David Lim